Christ the Eternal Tao

by Hieromonk Igumen Damascene (John Christensen)

Read October 2022.

Very little information about Gi-ming Shien on the internet. His Chinese name is probably 鮮紀明. He may have been a journalist at an earlier point in his life. See:

Shien Gi-Ming 34 MS Journalist,新闻工作者,网上搜Shien Gi-Ming,有一条提到一位Eugene Rose,此人后来名叫Seraphim Rose,他研究道家哲学,此人在Pomona College学习时的导师是Shien Gi-Ming,说Shien是一位unique and fascinating的道家哲学家。另外好象是豆瓣上有Shien Gi-Ming,说他中文名是鲜纪明,但是点进去却说此文不存在了。但是从中文介绍来看,应该就是上面那个人,“美国加州铂山道院开祖之一,蒙福塞拉芬神父(愿主赐他灵魂安息),青年时曾师从中国学者鲜纪明(Gi-ming Shien)学习中国古典哲学,师生之情甚笃”,这个塞拉芬,应该就是Seraphim。但是网上搜不到鲜纪明的资料,到底是新闻人还是学者或者跨界或者转行,都不清楚。

There is also a book called 宋明理學:形而上學、心靈與道德 by 劉紀璐 which quotes from a 1951 work of Shien Gi-ming’s, though I’m not able to see the bibliography and find out its title.

I was surprised to find that it had lots of helpful advice for praying the Jesus Prayer, and the importance of metanoia while praying, of rejecting one’s ego and seeking God’s will. There was some overlap here with the contemplative practice described in Into the Silent Land.

A useful site with a bilingual version of the Tao-te Ching:

Divine Grace and “Uncreated Energy” are often equated, which I guess is Palamism. I believe Palamism was historically rejected by Catholic theologians, but has gained more acceptance recently, e.g. with John Paul II. I suppose it’s similar to equating 德 with Grace.

Before contents

Important St. Seraphim of Sarov quote. Should have copied it out!


Part II - 道顯示在人類的歷史上 - The Unfolding Revelation of the Tao in Human History

Ch. 1 - Departure from the Way

Ch. 2 - Seeking the Way of Return

Ch. 3 - When the Way became Flesh

Part III - 結合自身與降生爲俗人的道 - Uniting Oneself to Incarnate Tao

Ch. 1 - Changing the Eye of the Soul

Ch. 2

Ch. 3 - Watchfulness

Ch. 4 - Prayer to the Tao

Ch. 6 - The Union of Mind and Heart

Ch. 7 - Praying from one’s Centre

Ch. 8 - Emptiness

Ch. 9 - Illumination

Appendices, etc.


In the 1920s, the head of the Fu-Jên University’s (輔仁大學, a Catholic university then in Beijing, now in Taiwan) Art Academy, Ch’en Yüen-du (陳緣督, “Luke”), a non-Christian, undertook a study of the Gospels in order to paint them in a traditional Chinese style with his pupils. They came to believe in Christ and were baptized in the 1930s, cf. The Life of Christ by Chinese Artists (Westminster, 1938).