Earthen Vessels

by Gabriel Bunge

Read during Lent, 2024. Translated by Michael J. Miller. I really liked the pen and ink illustrations by Francesco Riganti found throughout the text.

This book is not too long, but very rich. I suppose it’s an exhortation to embrace the methods and teachings on prayer of the Desert Fathers. He especially talks about how the contemplative and the “external”/practical aspects of prayer are not two separate things, but two facets of the same thing, like quality and quantity.

Evagrius of Pontus (345–399), or Evagrius Ponticus, or Evagrius the Solitary, is one of the most quoted Desert Fathers in this book, an ecclesiastic who had a promising career in Constantinople who left it to become a monk, first in Jerusalem, then later in Egypt.

I also observe that throughout there is a great emphasis on the actual presence of God. God is present, so our body must act accordingly.

Introduction - “Lord, teach us to pray”

Chapter I - “No one after drinking old wine desires new…”

1. “That which was from the beginning”

2. “Spirituality” and “the spiritual life”

3. “Action” and “contemplation”

πρακτικός θεωρητικός
actio contemplatio
Jacob Israel/Sion
practice theory
Lia Rachel

4. “Psalmody”—“Prayer”—“Meditation”

Chapter II - Places and Times

1. “When you pray, go into your room”

2. “Look toward the east, O Jerusalem!”

3. “Seven times a day I praise Thee”

4. “Blessed is he who is awake!”

Chapter III - Manners of Praying

1. “Prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears”

2. “Pray constantly”

3. “Lord, have mercy on me!”

4. “Hear, O Lord, when I cry aloud”

5. “A time to keep silence and a time to speak”

Chapter IV - Prayer Gestures

1. “Rise and pray”

2. “Let the lifting up of my hands be before thee as an evening sacrifice”

3. “To thee I lift up my eyes, O thou who art enthroned in the heavens”

5. “Adore the Lord in his holy court”

6. “… let him take up his cross daily”
