Into the Silent Land: The Practice of Contemplation

by Fr. Martin Laird, OSA

Originally read in late 2016, re-read this time in Advent, 2020


Chapter 1 - Parting the Veil: The Illusion of Separation from God

Chapter 2 - The Wild Hawk of the Mind

Chapter 3 - The Body’s Call to Prayer

Chapter 4 - The Three Doorways of the Present Moment: The Way of the Prayer Word

The First Doorway

The Second Doorway

The Third Doorway


Chapter 5 - Riddles of Distraction

The Riddle of the First Doorway: Are you your thoughts and feelings?

The Riddle of the Second Doorway: What do thoughts and feelings appear in?

The Riddle of the Third Doorway: What is the nature of these thoughts and feelings, and who is aware of them?