The Making of Martin Luther

Read June 2020.


Chapter 1 - Wittenberg 1517

Chapter 2 - From Erfurt to Wittenberg

Chapter 3 - The Catholic Luther

Realism Nominalism
Aquinas Occam
via antiqua via moderna
Intellectualist Voluntarist (God’s arbitrary will)
Goodness and justice rational, are what they are by virtue of the nature of the order that God has created What is good and just is so simply because God has said so, a divorce of faith and reason

A brief aside

Jonathan Pageau (video “The Theology behind the Culture War”) talks contrasts nominalism (Occam) and univocalism (Bd. Duns Scotus):

Nominalism: Stresses the transcendence of God, ascetic movement towards God; God is so high above reality that nothing you can say can touch God, nothing in reality is connected to God, when you say that God is good, you don’t mean it in the same way that other things are good, radical disjunct between God and all the rest of reality; according to the univocalists, this means that the world is arbitrary, and God is entirely separate from it.

Univocalism: Stresses the immanence of God, mystical movement towards God; God is the source of reality, therefore God is necessarily related to other things in the world, love in the world is the same type of love as God has, otherwise how could we even talk about these things, it’s just that God’s love is supreme love, more and bigger than what we have, God is the super-everything; according to the nominalists, this is trapping God in creation, making him like a pagan God.

Patristic: St. Dionysius the Areopagite, On Divine Names, if you love and understand that God is beyond being, you will never think that you can praise him as a thing, he can’t be recognized in any thing; and yet in order to praise him, you must turn to all of creation, all of which has God, theosis, as its destiny, all things long to move into God’s transcendence, all things strive to participate in the life of God at whatever level of being they are in.

Back to Chapter 3

Chapter 4 - The Quest for Certainty

Chapter 5 - Intimations of Antichrist

Chapter 6 - Luther and Eck

Chapter 7 - Rome and Wittenberg

Chapter 8 - Worms and the Wartburg

Chapter 9 - The Beginning and End of Reformation

Chapter 10 - The Meaning of Martin Luther