The Quest of the Holy Grail

Read during Advent 2021. Penguin Classics edition, translated from Old French by Pauline M. Matarasso.

I found this website useful, with some general information about the Quest:

La Queste del Saint Graal is the fourth section (out of five) of a larger early-13th century work called the Prose Lancelot or the Vulgate Cycle or the Lancelot Grail Cycle.

The Genealogy of Galahad

           King David
Nascien        .
(Seraph before .
conversion),   .
brother-in-law .
of King        .
Mordrain (King .            Joseph of Arimathea
Evalach of     .                  |
Sarras before  .          Josephus (of the shield)
conversion)    .                  |
    |          .                  .
p. 152 for     .                  .
Descendents    .                  .
of Nascien     .                  |
    |          |               King Pellés,
King Ban-----Elaine          the Fisher King*
          |                       |
       Lancelot----------the Fisher King’s daughter

*The Fisher King is the same as the Maimed King in other
Arthurian legends, but here he has a different name, King Parlan.


Chapter 1 - Departure

Chapter 2 - The Shield

Chapter 5 - Lancelot’s Conviction and Repentance

Chapter 6 - The Peregrinations of Perceval

Chapter 7 - Lancelot: The Slow Ascent

Chapter 8 - Sir Gawain and Hector Warned in Vision

Chapter 9 - Trials and Temptations of Bors

Chapter 10 - The Miraculous Ship

Chapter 11 - The Legend of the Tree of Life

Chapter 12 - Adventures of the Three Companions

Chapter 15 - The Holy Grail